Desperate to rescue your daughter, journey to a cabin deep in the forest and discover the evil that awaits your arrival...
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Team Bio:

Our team met through the Rutgers Creation of Games Society in September of 2021. Having been inspired by powerful first person experiences like Resident Evil VII, Alien Isolation, and Firewatch, Max Humes, a junior studying computer science, formed a group for an unnamed horror game. Soon after, Arya Shetty, a freshman studying computer science, joined the project and began his game development journey. Finally, Nadish Sharma, a freshman studying physics joined our group excited to create the art which would polish our game.

Over the coming months, our team worked tirelessly to design, build, and code the horror experience that is The Perished. Through highs and lows, college projects and exams, our team has put countless hours into our game and we are more than excited to show it off to any and all who enjoy horror games.